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Oct 7, 2024 at 4:16 PM
Feb 25, 2017
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Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Philippines, The

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Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer, Male, 31, from Philippines, The

Pyrate Contributor

Revisiting music I've not really listened to in near a decade and getting shocked at all the "new" details is fun. The Pretty Reckless EP. Oct 5, 2024 at 12:54 PM

Lyander was last seen:
Oct 7, 2024 at 4:16 PM
    1. Lyander
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth and Ti_Leo like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        @fraggler Not sure if that's a joke or not right now. Brain can't be arsed to figure out what I might have done.
        Aug 16, 2023
      4. fraggler
        Lol. Sorry. Just joking. You were the first to bring to my attention all the stuff going on and I saw this update about the apology and shutting down for a week.
        Aug 16, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        Gotcha. Nah I'm just slightly brain dead at the moment so have trouble with entirely text humour haha. It's a weird situation and I until recently watched the channel for fun (GN or HUB for strict information), but this has been a mess indeed.
        Aug 16, 2023
    2. Lyander
      Frustratingly, Spotify Premium>YouTube Music for sound quality. I say frustrating cuz I have a YT sub for no ads on the platform, hah.
      1. RestoredSparda and Jinxy245 like this.
    3. Lyander
      1. Qildail, Sqveak, yotacowboy and 4 others like this.
      2. Qildail
        Guilty as charged here... I pretty much gave up photography because I couldn't keep up with the gear chase; and I felt it was never going to amount to anything without the gear. Fighting the good fight on the audio side though, for now anyway.
        Aug 2, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @Qildail good on you! I think there's a bit more "push" towards GAS for creative hobbies as opposed to hobbies of consumption like hi-fi and personal audio, mostly because it's easier to rationalise? But yeah, very often it's more the artist than the tools they use... within reason.
        Aug 3, 2023
        Qildail likes this.
    4. Lyander
      I'm ignorant: family member asking for under-$100 wireless ANC headphone that sounds "decent enough". Any suggestions?
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      2. DigMe
        I would have previously ignored Anker in the past but recently I got a brand new pair of their Liberty Pro 3 ANC IEM’s in a woot bag of crap that I won in a contest and I’ve been very surprised by them.
        Jul 15, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        My one USB cable is Anker and I've got a couple 30W chargers from the brand— that's all my experience with Anker to date. Rather curious now but I think they're considering Senn HD350BT. Will maybe be trying out the lot in store
        Jul 15, 2023
        DigMe likes this.
      4. fraggler
        I got 4 sets of the Anker Q35s for people to use at the office. They work just right for the price.
        Jul 15, 2023
        Lyander and Poleepkwa like this.
    5. Lyander
      1. Ti_Leo and Grattle like this.
    6. Lyander
      PSA, be wary where you use your credit cards. Some misbegotten bungheap used my dad's card to buy 36mil VND ($1518) worth of Google Ads. fml
      1. View previous comments...
      2. caute
        liked for using the excellent & severely underused, bordering on archaic now, word, "misbegotten"
        Jul 6, 2023
      3. Qildail
        A few years ago I had a card I had (quite literally) never used get frauded for ~$1800 for a furniture order in Africa. Get the right merchant with the wrong controls and it’s not hard to brute force card numbers until one hits.
        Jul 6, 2023
      4. Lyander
        Turns out it was $2660 worth, just got SMS notif for four of the transactions. Dispute filed, no decision yet just gotta wait for the results of their investigation. Blegh. Stress.
        Jul 6, 2023
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    7. Lyander
      This may just be unique to homes with lots of cats and dogs but I realised that the Piety channel balance can be skewed sometimes (1/3)
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      2. Lyander
        @yotacowboy Given how often I find the cats are the ones clambering all over my stuff and how cool "faraday cage" sounds that one gets my vote :P
        Jul 2, 2023
      3. Sqveak
        Possible corrosion from humidity? Could be that the switch is particularly susceptible to it as the symptoms are the same and the wiggling sounds like friction is the solution. How could cat hair even get in there?
        Jul 3, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        @Sqveak I was kinda being facetious, but I'm sure some very fine cat hairs might have gotten into it over the months I've had the amp, just not necessarily IN the gain switch. Corrosion is a more likely suspect, on a serious note, because I remember that WD40 contact cleaner DID help with the 3+'s issues... temporarily. Yeah electronics in this climate are just debuffed, gah.
        Jul 3, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    8. Lyander
      How mad is it that it seems I'm suddenly better able to discern absolute polarity when using a specific tube in the MCTH? Jeebus
      1. zottel, Jinxy245, Case and 5 others like this.
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      3. Lyander
        @Biodegraded Amperex ECC88, and I am wanting to kick myself in the face now because now that you mention it I feel like this is something I used to know but have since forgotten because I have 2MBs' worth of non-volatile memory in my brain (maybe in an old PM thread?). That explains a LOT. Thank you!
        Jun 17, 2023
      4. E_Schaaf
        DC offset issue exacerbating the effect?
        Jun 17, 2023
      5. Lyander
        @E_Schaaf I am not even going to pretend that I remember what that is, only that I know I've come across the phrase before, hah. Gonna be googling that now. Either way, going back to the Piety I do differences between original and inverted absolute polarity still, but it's a lot subtler, yeah.
        Jun 17, 2023
    9. Lyander
      1. SoupRKnowva likes this.
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      3. netforce
        Yeah I get it that sometimes this way is the fastest way to get pressure on a company but at the same time it literally had people in the twitter thread completely unrelated saying they were going to review bomb us as a result. Silly stuff but doesn't seem like I noticed that on where people actually rate us
        Jun 16, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Lyander like this.
      4. Lyander
        Saw those as well, and given HUB's history I can sorta see why they'd draw a... protective sorta crowd, but this was just weird. Cheers A, may the rest of the week be less silly. Might wanna do a review of your sponsor spots to date lmao.
        Jun 16, 2023
      5. netforce
        Yeah there is some overlap with HUB audience and audiophiles but not like its big. Think it was us trying out different sponsorships since we tried a whole bunch of different channels last year in the fall. Now we can see what worked and what didn't lol
        Jun 16, 2023
    10. Lyander
      Seems Logitech is retiring the Blue mic brand. This is silly, IMO; Blue is one of the most popular names in mics for the everyperson.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245 and nishan99 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Senorx12562
        Calling yourself "everyperson" is selling yourself short methinks.
        Jun 11, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Oh eww no I don't use Blue mics I'm a lot pickier than that :P
        Jun 11, 2023
      5. Senorx12562
        I don't even own a mic other than in my phone, because no one really wants to hear what I have to say.
        Jun 11, 2023
    11. Lyander
      Seems the UKW1J682MRD on the atomicbob Noise Nuke BoM is soon to be discontinued. At least the 155B choke is still going.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        None of the parts are that exotic and you can always use a different capacitor
        Jun 1, 2023
      3. Lyander
        @Cspirou Yup, I was aware, just felt like it was one of those strange things to mark how time passes. Don't mind me, in a weird mood is all hah.
        Jun 1, 2023
      4. gixxerwimp
        Are you building a noise nuke?
        (is your WhatsApp down?)
        Jun 2, 2023
    12. Lyander
      Today I learned JBL has a series of dynamic RGB tower speakers. Hope that doesn't mean the sound waves go too fast.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. Lyander
        @Thad E Ginathom I somehow feel that the sorta folk who'd be buying those JBLs aren't going to be... proper audiophiles. More like people who think bigger box = better sound, but not for any specific reason.
        May 27, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Party speakers! Is fair enough. If it goes loud, and lager can be consumed to it, then pretty flashing lights is good.
        May 27, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        Yeah I imagine these are more college dorm or young adult living room showpieces than anything else. Having said that, I AM a sucker for pretty lights haha
        May 28, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    13. Lyander
      I am absolutely livid— I didn't know Nightwish performed in Manila two days ago cuz it wasn't advertised. WTF is the point of targeted ads?!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gixxerwimp
        TIL Nightwish
        Apr 1, 2023
      3. Lyander
        @gixxerwimp They were in Taiwan just yesterday, did you catch their show? :P But yeah I reference their music in a lot of my impressions, genuinely a band whose music I enjoy a lot. I am still seething that there was no readily visible promotion locally. No offence to K Pop but every mediocre Korean group that deigns to visit gets exposure out the wazoo
        Apr 1, 2023
      4. Lyander
        (Nothing against K Pop, I'm just not a massive fan-- saturation of K Pop hereabouts is just maddeningly high and hype even for relatively niche folk within the genre is loud)
        Apr 1, 2023
    14. Lyander
      Are new member registrations closed?Have a friend of a friend trying to sign up, they're not getting confirmation email
      1. shotgunshane
        PM me.
        Mar 29, 2023
    15. Lyander
      If the Internet Archive falls, then Wayback Machine goes too. CS, InnerFidelity, among many others would then be properly lost to time.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Lol, Ozzy Mandias.
        Mar 26, 2023
        roshambo123 and caute like this.
      3. DigMe
        They will find it in the ruins of my closet 1000 years from now engraved into granite.
        Mar 26, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "the ruins of my closet"

        Makes me think of The Windmills of Your Mind.
        Mar 26, 2023
        DigMe likes this.
    16. Lyander
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gixxerwimp
        Mar 23, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @gixxerwimp I only learned of his channel relatively recently so it's always been "Steve Mould" for me, but yeah he has a lot of really intriguing videos about teapots.
        Mar 23, 2023
      4. gixxerwimp
        Maybe I'm misremembering ...
        Mar 23, 2023
    17. Lyander
      Update, keeping the dog and he's been chill. Hand aches a lot but mostly full mobility. I can blame hand for accidental nuke of drive haha
      1. Philimon
        Noble or crazy. What caused the dog to attack in the first place?
        Mar 16, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Hmmm, yes.
        Mar 16, 2023
      3. Lyander
        @Philimon Likely both, hah. No idea specifically but we were playing and I ended up near his food bowl. Was walking away with my back turned when he bit, so maybe he thought I was trying to steal his food? Can never tell, but he's been vacillating between zoomy playful with tail wagging and slinking away whenever he sees me now. He knows he fucked up.
        Mar 16, 2023
    18. Lyander
      Dumbass move, accidentally nuked my media drive when I meant to clear out a thumb drive. Space is now unallocated, any ideas how to recover?
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Quick update but after verifying via DMDE that my files were still present I opted to do a full system shutdown to ameliorate risk of blocks being overwritten. When I booted my PC back up... the drive looks and works as normal? Home videos, music, and likely games too but haven't checked those yet. I am confused.
        Mar 16, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Quickly copy important stuff elsewhere, don't write to the disk until you're sure what's going on?

        Good luck!
        Mar 17, 2023
        Lyander and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Too right. Never neglect it when a HDD gives a second chance.

        I had a dead one, Put machine on table, on its side to open it up. Tried starting up. Yes, my hdd spun up and read, so I got the contents off it. And I was right: it was the last chance.
        Mar 18, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
    19. Lyander
      Turning 30 today and still feels like I'm figuring way too much stuff out. How fun.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. caute
        Happy belated birthday Lysander! From a fellow in his early 30s to a newly minted 30-year-old, I can say it does get better haha :)
        Mar 8, 2023
      3. Lyander
        Thanks all. I really do appreciate it. It's been a fairly strange couple of weeks, but hopefully things chill out sooner than later. Hope you're all doing well!
        Mar 8, 2023
      4. Cryptowolf
        happy belated birthday
        Mar 9, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
    20. Lyander
      Well I guess I need surgery for the hand. Rescue doggo was in a bad mood and used it as a chew toy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Sadly, the universe does not always repay kindness with kindness :/
        Feb 27, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Lyander like this.
      3. gixxerwimp
        Feb 27, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Yeah, I actually have a really strong mental image of the injury, and that's shaking me a bit right now, that. I have some time to relax. Eh, still just wish the best for the doggo and hope that he adjusts soon. Thanks for the well wishes guys. And yes, the odd punctuation is because this is speech to text. I'm not able to type.
        Feb 27, 2023
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Philippines, The


    A curmudgeon before his time.

    Schiit Modi Multibit 2>Schiit x Nitsch Magni Piety/Magni Unity/Massdrop x Cavalli Tube Hybrid>Sennheiser HD600/Yamaha YH-100(dBel mod);
    FiiO BTR7>Etymōtic ER2XR/Andromeda 2020