Apr 15, 2020
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Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
Home Page:
Bay Area, CA
Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor

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MOT: rhythmdevils audio, Male, 40, from Bay Area, CA



    1. rhythmdevils
      Why is the cheapest Audeze LCD headphone the best looking and the only one that is actually wearable without a neck brace?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        Is the LCD-2 Classic lighter because of less magnets? I thought it was because of the plastic enclosure which I much prefer to wood.
        Feb 28, 2021
      3. Merrick
        You’re still using a neck brace? I had my neck surgically reinforced with titanium rods.
        Feb 28, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. Imraan
    2. rhythmdevils
      1. dubharmonic, Imraan and yotacowboy like this.
      2. dubharmonic
        Which model is it? 2C?
        Feb 25, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        A second LCD-2 Classic. The first one turned out really well and I’m modding this one to send around and share. :)
        Feb 25, 2021
      4. Azimuth
        I recognize those! Still has some poly fuzz in there.
        Feb 25, 2021
    3. rhythmdevils
      Modding an HE6se right now with promising results. This headphone can sound SO much better than it does stock. Its a different headphone now
      1. Philimon, loadexfa, Jinxy245 and 7 others like this.
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      3. E_Schaaf
        I hated dealing with the 6SE and always did better with the OG HE6. I trust you to get better results than I ever did with those, looking forward to seeing what you can cook up :)
        Feb 19, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        So much better than stock. Much more open, clear, resolving and fast with better tonality. They still have a bit of dullness that shouldn’t be there in a 1600$ ortho (from the driver). I’m currently trying to decide how to tune them to best make up for this.
        Feb 19, 2021
      5. rhythmdevils
        As you can see from the picture this is another expensive neo ortho with no driver damping. And this driver needs it.
        Feb 19, 2021
        E_Schaaf likes this.
    4. rhythmdevils
      My phone’s autocorrect keeps turning typos into audio words like iDSD and treble and album and TOTL etc
      1. Imraan, Jinxy245, Senorx12562 and 3 others like this.
      2. Claritas
        SwiftKey, at least, "learns" this stuff.
        Feb 18, 2021
    5. rhythmdevils
      Love for music today!
    6. rhythmdevils
      Anyone ever feel like this hobby is a huge waste of time and energy? It’s pretty self serving in general.
      1. Tachikoma, luckybaer and e.schell like this.
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      3. Case
        Well, this place transformed the way I think about and listen to both gear and music. If all you knew about food was McDonald's...
        Feb 13, 2021
        Gazny and Lyander like this.
      4. Claritas
        Sometimes I glance at my set up and think, "This is pointless. It doesn't sound like a real orchestra or a pianist." But I can't buy an orchestra, or resurrect a great pianist. So, inside my house, recordings are as good as it's going to get.
        Feb 13, 2021
        Philimon, OJneg, obsiCO and 7 others like this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        I look at my setup and wish it was just an iPod and I didn’t care and played geetar instead. But then the iPod sounds like shit. I’ve always had a love hate relationship with gear.
        Feb 13, 2021
        Deep Funk and E_Schaaf like this.
    7. rhythmdevils
      1. Gazny
        anticipating a YouTube unboxing video
        Feb 10, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    8. rhythmdevils
      1. Philimon, pure5152, Imraan and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhythmdevils
        I’m pretty sure he’s talking about a horse not iem’s.
        Feb 7, 2021
        shambles, Cryptowolf, obsiCO and 2 others like this.
      4. Azimuth
        This is what turned me off..."For now, the stock cable is just good overall, I’d have preferred something a little more provoking in an artistic manner but maybe I am asking too much, all things considered." Yes dumbass, you are!
        Feb 7, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. Case
        The stock tips spoke of a lugubriousness and a deep rooted ennui, reminiscent of post-war France - swap them out!
        Feb 7, 2021
        crenca likes this.
    9. rhythmdevils
      Anyone have a balanced Audeze cable they want to loan me? I’d like to hear the LP balanced before saying goodbye.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. e.schell
        Any idea what you might try next after the LP?
        Feb 6, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        I bought the First Watt F7 speaker amp that was just in the fs forums. Should be tons of power and SE.

        It’s huge though and I have no idea how I will fit it. That’s less important than getting it here though right?
        Feb 6, 2021
      4. e.schell
        HaHa yes!! I'm hoping this year will be the year I finally put together a 2 channel system... a First Watt amp would definitely be on my short list of amps. Congrats! Will be interested to see what you think about it with your orthos, imagine it would be a great combo.
        Feb 6, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    10. rhythmdevils
      The LCD-2C has NO damping behind the driver no wonder it sounds like shit. No one has learned anything in the 40 yrs since the dawn of orths
      1. Imraan and zerodeefex like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azimuth
        I find them best with the vegan slanted pads. The stock pads had peaks in the treble that the vegans helped with. Bass is also not as farty, still strong though.
        Feb 5, 2021
      4. Azimuth
        PS - you guys are really pushing me to get my own EARS rig, lol.
        Feb 5, 2021
      5. rhythmdevils
        Meh don’t get an ears rig. If it sounds good it is good. ;)
        Feb 5, 2021
    11. rhythmdevils
      Just got lcd-2C in with Dekoni pads. Man they sound like muffled garbage. The rumors were true! Will need serious re-tuning.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. E_Schaaf
        Audeze's are kind of a PITA to mod I just run mine w/ all damping removed anod some alternative leather pads. Curious to see what you come up with!
        Feb 5, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. rhythmdevils
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Be looking forward to seeing how it goes man. I didn't care for the Dekoni velours I got too much personally. They do bring the treble and presence back considerably, you might like them... maybe not to the point of sounding 'correct' though. And I felt like they killed the fun factor a little too much. I'm betting the suede is much darker. I can see how that would be a bad pairing.
        Feb 5, 2021
    12. rhythmdevils
      God the guys running the featured music section on Bandcamp have such terrible taste in music. I occasionally find something I love
      1. robot zombie, Phantaminum and Gazny like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhythmdevils
        Yeah! Actually just in a bad mood. But it’s still true I’m tired of skipping through so much jingly trash pop and shitty EBM or whatever. I do find awesome gems occasionally though. Some are favorite albums. I guess they party are trying to cater to all tastes.
        Feb 2, 2021
      4. gaspasser
        I hope your day gets better and you find good music!
        Feb 2, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        I’ve got lots to go through in the free jazz thread but I’ve been having headaches lately and not in the mood for it. Been in an ambient phase. But right now it’s instrumental slow core doom metal! Earth to be exact.
        Feb 2, 2021
    13. rhythmdevils
      I currently own 3 different versions of the CA Solaris. I think it’s time for an intervention.
      1. YMO and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        That's like, what, 3/4 of them?

        Please keep out of the reach of an intervention until you've posted some impressions of them all! (At least there are only two versions of the Dorado for you next, if the intervention fails).
        Jan 28, 2021
        Cryptowolf and rhythmdevils like this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        Yes and I’ve had the other one in house during the loaner program. Review has been written just letting it simmer... :)
        Jan 28, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      4. Azteca
        Ship one to me immediately.
        Jan 28, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    14. rhythmdevils
      Huge storm predicted in CA tonight. Should I turn off my amps in case of a power outage?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        @rhythmdevils - NO! Never tandem connect power conditioners, surge protectors, UPS. The surge suppression circuits can interact in negative ways. The UPS linked is a stepped approximation sine type. Not something I would use for audio. You want true sine output. See APC Smart UPS for comparison. Also much more expensive.
        Jan 27, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        Nice save! I thought doubling them up wouldn’t be a good idea but now I know! I’ll probably wait to get one conditioner to rule them all
        Jan 27, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        How about protecting yourself? Jump up and down: at least it reduces the chances that you are connected to earth through your feet.
        Jan 27, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    15. rhythmdevils
      Anyone else notice Super Smokey Litz cables get much stiffer after a few months?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        Yes I meant the regular Smokey Litz . I just got a new one and the contrast to my 2-3 month old ones is stark. The old ones are about 5x stiffer or something. Smokey Litz boners.
        Jan 24, 2021
      3. Mystic
        Maybe contact CA? The one that came with my Andros is over a year old and still supple.
        Jan 25, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        All 4 of my 2-3 month old Smokey Litz cables have become much stiffer compared to the new one so I doubt it could be bad cables. :(
        Jan 25, 2021
    16. rhythmdevils
      Can someone explain why BNC cables sound better than SPDIF? they use the same cables the only difference is the connectors.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        BNC is a precision designed connecting system intended for RF use. RCA was originally designed as a cheap way to send unbalanced audio between audio components. Focus on cheap. It was never intended to handle RF signals. BTW spdif is a data format designator.
        Jan 19, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        I get the terms for SPDIF/coaxial mixed up they are used pretty interchangeably all over the internet. SPDIF is the data signal format and coaxial is the kind of cable?
        Jan 19, 2021
        atomicbob and purr1n like this.
      4. atomicbob
        The problem is that many (myself included) get sloppy with terminology. AES vs spdif vs Opt typically refers to AES/EBU on 110R shielded twisted pair with XLR connectors. Spdif is typically 75R coax with BNC, RCA or (shudder) F connectors. Opt is typically Toslink. AES and spdif are nearly the same logical data stream with slight differences.
        Jan 19, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    17. rhythmdevils
      Solaris 2020 Limited Edition is in the house! Along with the ALO Pilot
      1. Jinxy245, Cryptowolf, Gazny and 3 others like this.
    18. JK47
      where's the ignore button for you?
      1. OJneg and Elnrik like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhythmdevils
        Jan 11, 2021
      4. zerodeefex
        That being said, @purr1n and I are exploring how we add ignore to everyone because that's just a sane feature to have. As our community grows, we'll have more diversity of thought and opinions and it's just an expected thing to have in 2020
        Jan 11, 2021
      5. mitochondrium
        might also be valid for 2021 ;) don't wanna be a smartass just thought we need some lighthearted comment here, too
        Jan 11, 2021
    19. rhythmdevils
      Wooos I meant to reply not comment. Duh
      1. Melvillian likes this.
      2. Melvillian
        If the bitrate changes between tracks it will click.
        Jan 9, 2021
        PTS likes this.
    20. rhythmdevils
      Why do Schitt DACs click whenever a source input starts or stops?
      1. JK47 and scblock like this.
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      3. gixxerwimp
        My BF2 often clicks when I power on/off upstream devices (digital EQ), as well as downstream (SW51+).
        Jan 9, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. Hrodulf
        This depends on how the data transmission is organized. On digital silence the system can interrupt transmission or transmit zeroes. In the latter scenario there shouldn't be any clicks unless transmission parameters change - i.e. you start playing something with a different Fs.
        Jan 10, 2021
        sheldaze likes this.
      5. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        PS Audio PWD DAC also does this...also depends on the source. USB can maintain a continuous connection when direct to computer, but through Pi2AES it disconnects when no audio is playing (through COAX SPIDF connection).
        Jan 10, 2021
        sheldaze and Michael Kelly like this.
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  • About

    Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Home Page:
    Bay Area, CA
    Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor
    Gear List:
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson



    Pi2AES with Sigma11 LPS -> Yggdrasil A2/og ->

    —iem rig—

    Yggdrasil -> EC Studio B -> RD-S12 (modded Shouer S12 ortho iem's)

    —ORTHO RIG #1--

    Minimax tube preamp -> First Watt F4 -> RD-4 (modified LCD-4)

    --ORTHO RIG #2--

    Jottenheim A -> RD-R (modded LCD-R)

    --ORTHO RIG #3--

    Liquid Gold X -> Various modded Audeze's below

    ----ORTHO RIG #4--

    Cavalli SOHA1 maxed out by @fallenangel -> modded Hifiman HE6SEv1


    EC Studio B
    Cavalli Liquid Glass
    Cavalli Liquid Gold X
    og Cavalli Liquid Gold
    Jottenheim A
    @fallenangel Cavalli SOHA1
    Vali 2+
    Schiit Magni 3+
    Nitsch Piety


    All orthos are modded or in the queue to be modded...

    Audeze LCD-5
    Audeze LCD-4
    Audeze LCD-R
    Audeze LCD-MX4
    Audeze LCD- 4z
    Audeze LCD-3
    Audeze LCD-X
    Audeze LCD-2F
    Audeze LCD-2 Classic
    Hifiman HE6se V1 and V2
    Hifiman HE560 V4
    Fostex T50rp (very involved mod, one of my best orthos)

    --Vintage Orthos--

    Aiwa HP-500
    2 NAD RP-18 Kapton
    3 TDS-15
    Fostex T20v2
    Fostex T20v1
    3 Yamaha HP-1 Anistropic
    4 Yamaha YH-3
    Yamaha YHD-1


    Pi2AES -> Gungnir A1 -> Khozmo Passive Preamp -> Mackie HR624 mk1 active reference monitors (not the 824 or MK2 version)
    When I'm not listening to music I'm a Photographer & Filmmaker