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Aug 4, 1999 (Age: 25)
Madison, WI

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Hijinks master cum laudle, Male, 25, from Madison, WI

Pyrate BWC

What ive been doing instead of audio www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/post-a-picture-of-your-car.11349/page-5#post-422016 Dec 24, 2023

spwath was last seen:
Dec 27, 2023
    1. spwath
      1. Lyander
        Final IEMs have flavoursome voicing from what I've experienced so far but if these aren't going to be your baselines then HECK YEAH
        Nov 29, 2020
    2. spwath
      OK, WTF matlab... I have the exact code for something that I see online, but I get a different (and incorrect) result...
      1. Syzygy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. spwath
        And my code gives the same answers for everything but that one value...
        Nov 29, 2020
      4. spwath
        Maybe, but mine is giving an incorrect result that doesnt agree with the hand calculations which i verified are right
        Nov 29, 2020
      5. spwath
        I figured it out. Whoever posted this answer online to chegg messed something up, figured out they messed something up, but instead of fixing it, fugded the output of their code to look like they did it right...
        Nov 29, 2020
        Hammy, Friday and Cspirou like this.
    3. spwath
      Hmm, really liking these AKG K280s. Ill have to try some mods to them. Very interesting headphones....
      1. Deep Funk, Sqveak and rhythmdevils like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. spwath
        Best is, I got them basically for free, got them, 2 k240s, graso sr80, and senn hd250 for Luke $100. Got rid of the others though (have another hd250)
        Nov 29, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Syzygy
        I still listen to the K500's I bought in the 80's from time to time. Expansive soundstage and great imaging. Was second only to the K1000s back then, which were 2x the price.
        Nov 30, 2020
      5. rhythmdevils
        That’s an awesome headphone too. Works with k701 pads if you want even moar soundstage but I can’t remember how it affects the sound in other ways. It was a looong time ago. I believe the k500 worked with k701 pads but not the k400 (which I preferred)
        Nov 30, 2020
    4. spwath
      1. Deep Funk, Jinxy245 and robot zombie like this.
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      3. spwath
        I had a bigger Knob I was going to put on, but then I couldn't plug headphones in so....
        Nov 28, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Stick an O-ring around your knob. It looks a bit trendy-design, but it does give better touch and feel when trying to move it delicately.
        Nov 29, 2020
      5. Syzygy
        Make your knobs bigger in private, please. :D

        Does that help the Vali1 (other than allowing you to be more precise)? Mine is in a box, but I remember hearing noise when adjusting its volume.
        Nov 30, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    5. spwath
      1. Deep Funk, robot zombie and Hammy like this.
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      3. spwath
        Nov 25, 2020
      4. atomicbob
        I had a similar cleaning many years ago. Fortunately I kept a few very significant items. One was my treatise on The History of Electricity which had a stellar bibliography including books written by Benjamin Franklin and Alessandro Volta.
        Nov 25, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        Imagine going into a library archive, many floors below ground and finding books (the originals) written by those preceding us. Pretty amazing. Now you can't even get close to those writings.
        Nov 25, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    6. spwath
      Do you think I could pair these eminence delta 12 woofers wtih scanspeak D3004/6600 tweeters in an active system? I have these lying around
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Priidik
        Just throw a random mid in between. Noone is supposed to suffer from the honk.
        Nov 25, 2020
      3. spwath
        Ive got some random peerless 5" drivers laying around. Problem is, I only have a miniDSP 2x4, so not enough for a 3 way setup...
        I could just make small monitors with the peerless and scanspeak though...
        Nov 25, 2020
      4. Priidik
        Or.. Make a two way split from the mini dsp and again split the mid-tweeter with passives.
        Nov 25, 2020
    7. spwath
      I have this broken intel computer from 1984, checked the OEM price list: Cost $24900 in 1984.... Now its worth not much, especially broken.
      1. Parker likes this.
      2. Azimuth
        Some parts or boards might be salvageable. Vintage computing is still a thing.
        Nov 24, 2020
      3. spwath
        The problem is, this one is so rare, there is little information about it, or people who want it. Its an Intel MDX-431A. Also, I had to clean out a mouse nest from inside. That could be a reason it doesnt work...
        Nov 24, 2020
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The was a time when I had a Sun sparcation and a couple of IBM RS6000s under my table at home. Tens of thousands of British pounds when new. Junk when just a few years old.
        Nov 27, 2020
    8. spwath
      I have to watch Evangelion again at some point. It was so good, but a lot happened, I definitely missed a lot.
      1. Parker, magnium and robot zombie like this.
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      3. SoupRKnowva
        I won't lie @rott I find that amusing too haha
        Nov 24, 2020
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Eva, as a franchise, is one of those things you gotta watch a few times to fully 'get'. Nearly every character and scene is symbolic. That's why the story doesn't always make sense. Those scenes aren't actually about the story.
        Nov 24, 2020
        Lyander and spwath like this.
      5. spwath
        yeah exactly. Especially the last two epsiodes. I was like "what the f**k just happened" until I watched the movie.
        Nov 24, 2020
        Lyander and robot zombie like this.
    9. spwath
      Trying to convince myself I dont need @k4star s HD540 even though they match my HD250 MKI...
      1. JK47
        DO IT, DO IT, DOOOO IIIT!!!!
        Nov 23, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom and Cakecake like this.
      2. Serious
        You really don't. It's pretty peaky in the midtreble and mods kinda don't really fix it. Plus the stating with the round cups is somewhat odd to me.
        There you go :P
        Nov 24, 2020
    10. spwath
      Uh oh, the right channel on my HD250 just stopped working. Hopefully its something simple...
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. Gazny
        Had this with a 1/4 inch to 3.5mm adapter, swapped it for one that is much tighter on the inside.
        Nov 22, 2020
      3. Biodegraded
        Welcome to the club!
        Nov 23, 2020
      4. Enigmatic
        Uh.......... *starts digging for my old post so I could ninja delete it*
        Nov 23, 2020
    11. spwath
      Anyone got an extra power brick for vali 1 they are not using? I left mine at college over this winter break accidentally.
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. Azimuth
        Does that use the 16V AC adapter? Because I might have one.
        Nov 23, 2020
      3. spwath
        Just checked, yes it is the 16v AC one
        Nov 23, 2020
      4. Azimuth
        I have one. PM incoming.
        Nov 23, 2020
        fraggler likes this.
    12. spwath
      Like 3 weeks ago I felt like I had no interviews or anything, now I am having so many interviews and things for jobs. I wont be unemployed!
      1. spwath
        Now I just have to make it through the rest of this year of college, and get job offers, and see what one I want.
        Nov 17, 2020
        Ringingears and fraggler like this.
      2. fraggler
        I know this might sound weird, but I feel like a proud quasi parent as most of us got to "know" you as you started your college journey. Glad you found a passion and might have the chance to work in your preferred field.
        Nov 17, 2020
    13. spwath
      1. Parker, monacelli, fraggler and 3 others like this.
    14. spwath
      Going to be doing some work for soundsmith now, maybe work full time there in the future
      1. Parker, atomicbob, famish99 and 14 others like this.
    15. spwath
      Feels good to apologise for your past wrongs. Finally apologized to my friend for dating his ex last year and putting him in a bad place
      1. famish99, Claritas, Jinxy245 and 6 others like this.
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      3. spwath
        Helps that we each had a glass of Absinthe though
        Nov 11, 2020
        Boops likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Well, ok, glad you sorted out something that stood between you and your friend, but as principle, I'd say that ex means ex: all rights and privileges relinquished.

        It's not like you marched in and broke them up.
        Nov 11, 2020
      5. Claritas
        It's part of having a healthy, masculine sense of honor. "We choose to go to the moon ... and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard ..."
        Nov 13, 2020
    16. spwath
      I just saw an add on craigslist where someone wants to hire a web designer to make them a dating site so they can find a date...
      1. DigMe, Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      2. spwath
      3. e.schell
        Makes sense... Last time needed a new vehicle I hired a team of engineers and mechanics....BOOM... F U dealership.
        Nov 10, 2020
    17. spwath
      Apparently Sean Olives curve is designed to please 64% of the population. I guess it has its place in some things, but not everything.
      1. Jinxy245, Lyander and rlow like this.
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      3. Lyander
        Designed to be pleasing to as much of the general population as possible? Same can be said of instant coffee and McDonald's ;)

        Sound isn't subjective = sure. Perception thereof, though?
        Nov 9, 2020
        Cryptowolf and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Azimuth
      5. penguins
        Does this 64% include those with tinnitus, hearing loss, etc? Or on the flip side maybe trained musicians, golden ears, etc?

        Another topic that I find slightly curious is how slightly resembles the average "equal-loudness" curve (ignoring degradation with age).
        Nov 9, 2020
        Azimuth likes this.
    18. spwath
      Glad my HD250s are strong, I have gotten the cord caught on things throwing the headphones to the floor so many times
      1. Deep Funk and Melvillian like this.
      2. Melvillian
        I feel the same about my HD650. Light and comfortable while feeling indestructible. I think their light weight have a lot to do with that. Are the HD250s also lightweight?
        Nov 8, 2020
      3. spwath
        Yeah, very. I had HD650 before, these have less clamp, but thats probably just due to their age too. But I would say the weight is pretty comparable. Less clamp makes them easier to fall off head though.
        Nov 8, 2020
        Biodegraded likes this.
      4. Enigmatic
        The past generation Sennheisers are amazing. Dropped it? Brush off the dirt and it still works. Broke something? Buy some spare parts for a fraction of the cost. As long as the drivers hold up, they can live on for decades and decades.

        (could even replace the driver capsules but driver matching and all that...)

        Really wish more manufacturers can emulate that.
        Nov 8, 2020
    19. spwath
      I think I might want to go to grad school for acoustics. Seems like all the cool cutting edge stuff requires at least a master's, maybe phd
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Definitely make use of profs at your current institution - find out where they went to grad school (should be on their faculty pages), and ask them for advice. You'll need them for letters of recommendation anyway, they can open doors with introductions, and networking can go a long way in smoothing the paths of applications.
        Nov 6, 2020
      3. Claritas
        Try to figure out if the time and money you'd put into it will pay off. Best luck!
        Nov 7, 2020
      4. crazychile
        Go to work for a place you like and gain real experience. Make sure they have an education reimbursement program so they will pay for your grad school. This is how I got degree #2 paid for.
        Nov 8, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    20. spwath
      Just took a weird test with weird questions for a job at Epic (medical software). Have a phone interview with them a week from Wednesday too
      1. dncnexus likes this.
      2. perogie
        My workplace is in the midst of Epic implementation. Going all Star Trek with the medical records and going broke from the $$$ involved. Good luck with the interview.
        Nov 3, 2020
        spwath likes this.
      3. Cspirou
        I have a good friend that works at Epic. Did you know they were in a Supreme Court case somewhat recently? And not in a good way
        Nov 6, 2020
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    Aug 4, 1999 (Age: 25)
    Madison, WI