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Apr 29, 2017
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Jun 3, 1987 (Age: 37)
Boston, MA

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Friend, Male, 37, from Boston, MA


I'm alive. Moving in with my SO tomorrow. She's been driving the past 3 days from TX to MA. Been looking forward to this for a long time. Jun 27, 2020

Erikdayo was last seen:
Apr 17, 2024
    1. Erikdayo
      I'm alive. Moving in with my SO tomorrow. She's been driving the past 3 days from TX to MA. Been looking forward to this for a long time.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        Aeon 2 Closed?
        Jun 27, 2020
        crenca likes this.
      3. Pogo
        Congrats! Don't forget to leave the toilet seat down....
        Jun 27, 2020
      4. crenca
        "Don't forget to leave the toilet seat down..." I have not put it down in 51 years and I am not going to start now ;)
        Jun 27, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    2. Erikdayo
      Surprisingly quite content with the QC35ii. My priorities have changed a lot this year, and I think that's a good thing.
      1. Soups, Jinxy245, Deep Funk and 3 others like this.
    3. Erikdayo
      Received my one audio purchase for the year today. IER-Z1R. Ears are pleased. Surprisingly comfortable for how bulky it is. Back to lurking.
      1. Schopenhauer, Dr. Higgs and netforce like this.
      2. Kunlun
        Review please!
        Mar 25, 2019
        obsiCO and Jinxy245 like this.
    4. Erikdayo
      The Umbrella Academy is a damn good show. Exceeded my expectations.
      1. Jinxy245, Riotvan and Lyander like this.
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      3. Lyander
        Booo hater :)))
        Feb 23, 2019
      4. Syzygy
        Feb 23, 2019
        Erikdayo likes this.
      5. Erikdayo
        Good to know. This sounds great. I love all of these versions.

        I think the cover is based on The Bangles version due to the similar intro.
        Feb 23, 2019
    5. Erikdayo
      Now that I've made my self imposed one audio purchase for 2019 how do I stick to that for 11 1/2 months?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JK47
        Buy parts and build it yourself.
        Jan 16, 2019
        Cspirou, fraggler and captkirk like this.
      3. E_Schaaf
        Jan 16, 2019
      4. drgumbybrain
        prozac 1 pill in the morning, trust me.
        Jan 16, 2019
    6. Erikdayo
      Feels silly using an iEMatch w/ the nano iDSD BL that has the iEMatch 'high' setting built into one out, but 'ultra' makes a big diff for me
      1. Lyander likes this.
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      3. Erikdayo
        I wasn't actually thinking about toggling the switch on the cable much, but I could. Would probably only have to if I went for the most meme worthy setup and plugged the iEMatch cable into the iEMatch headphone out which I did experiment with last night. Gets my IEMs into the 11 - 1 o'clock range on the volume pot. I think that gets the volume reduction to -36dB or so.
        Dec 11, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        So you'd basically have to flip on Turbo mode to get any decent volume out of it then, yeah? :P

        Kidding aside, I actually forgot that the new Nano BL had a dedicated IEMatch out, so that's egg on my face, haha. I do wonder whether there are any sonic differences between the direct out > external IEMatch and the built-in one, but that'd be Machina Dynamica Pebbles-level nervosa perhaps
        Dec 11, 2018
        Erikdayo likes this.
      5. Erikdayo
        I think it could matter on some IEMs as I believe the iEMatch on the nano is <4ohm and -12dB. The iEMatch cable is listed is <2.5ohm and -12dB on 'high' and <1ohm and -24dB on 'ultra'. Very low ohm IEMs like the Andro and Solaris may have some fairly significant changes in sound.
        Dec 11, 2018
    7. Erikdayo
      Sometimes I wish I was born 20-30 years earlier so I could have seen a lot of my favorite bands/musicians live in their prime.
      1. Lyander and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. Erikdayo
        Primarily looking at art/prog rock, new wave, and synth pop I suppose. I don't necessarily think I'd enjoy life in that time more. Hard to say. I am so dependent on the internet and online interactions.
        Nov 30, 2018
      4. rlow
        Yeah, back then you probably had to “talk to people” - either IRL or over the phone. It was brutal!! ;-)

        Actually that is one “quality of life” aspect that I think is sorely missed nowadays.
        Nov 30, 2018
      5. Erikdayo
        I actually miss that to some extent. When I was a kid I'd had to call my friend's home phone or walk over and ring the doorbell and potentially talk to their parents or siblings a bit depending on who answered. By the end the end of elementary school I think I was probably using AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ. Easy to get that direct line of communication.
        Nov 30, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    8. Erikdayo
      ADX5000 back home at last. Feels good. Spent the last 5-6 weeks with only IEMs.
      1. cskippy likes this.
    9. Erikdayo
      1. Dr. Higgs, Jinxy245, Lyander and 3 others like this.
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      3. Ash1412
        Oh no i meant the part where Be dust is toxic...
        Oct 3, 2018
        BenjaminBore likes this.
      4. Mystic
        Oh, well that is a scary thought.
        Oct 3, 2018
      5. Mystic
        Looking into it a bit (there was extensive talk about this when the Utopia released) it looks like fears are misplaced and the amount of beryllium required to cause harm is more than the tiny amount you would find on a headphone driver. That is IF the driver would suddenly turn to dust and you'd inhale it or you fancied a snack and decided to eat the driver in the first place.
        Oct 3, 2018
    10. Erikdayo
    11. Erikdayo
      Had a bender during rehab to complete my shift toward IEMs. Traded out a full sized for an IEM. Had to spend a few hundred. I apologize.
      1. bengo likes this.
      2. Erikdayo
        Also, Acoustune IEMs have a very smooth and pleasant sound. Easily among my favorite IEMs along with the Andromeda. Definitely worth an audition if you ever get the chance!
        Sep 10, 2018
    12. Erikdayo
      Got to try out the Vega, Andromeda, and Xelento via loaners. Ended up deciding I didn't need any of them. Andro easily the best that bunch.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
    13. Erikdayo
      Looking forward to trying Andro and Vega next week. Supposed to be done with audio purchases but cant resist the chance to try them via loan
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
    14. Erikdayo
      Time to start saving for a big move in a few years. Don't think I'll be making any more audio related purchases until after that.
      1. BillOhio and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. jowls
        There’s always time for one last bender before rehab...
        Aug 22, 2018
        GoodEnoughGear, bengo and Erikdayo like this.
      3. Erikdayo
        I actually did that earlier today. Replaced my main IEM after 6 1/2 years. Ready for rehab.
        Aug 22, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom and jowls like this.
    15. Erikdayo
      It’s been about 6 years, but I am making my return to the AD2000. Looking forward to revisiting an old favorite.
      1. Erikdayo
        Went this route due to my (surprising) HD800 comfort issues. Gap is much smaller than I make it out to be since I had the AD2000X from late 2012 - mid 2017. Purchased when it was released as an upgrade to the AD2000 though it wasn't really an improvement. Either way large portion of that time AD2000X was the golden years where I stopped thinking about trying new gear so often. I've just about reached that point again
        Aug 14, 2018
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      2. ductrung3993
        Been enjoying your Ad5000x in the mean time?
        Aug 14, 2018
        Erikdayo likes this.
      3. Erikdayo
        Very much so! But it definitely took some time to adjust to the treble on the ADX5k.
        Aug 14, 2018
    16. Erikdayo
      Thank you for making me a friend! :)
      1. powermatic, 9suns, jowls and 17 others like this.
      2. Merrick
        Your heart is true; you’re a pal and a confidant.
        Aug 13, 2018
        gaspasser and Erikdayo like this.
      3. gaspasser
        Aug 13, 2018
        Erikdayo and Merrick like this.
    17. Erikdayo
      The top of my head is made of jello. Even finding the HD800 too uncomfortable to wear these days. Oh well. Saves me money.
      1. westermac likes this.
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      3. westermac
        Ha yup, me too. Just sold a HD800 for the same reason. If the clamp were just a bit firmer it would help alleviate all the weight going to the thin headband pad, or maybe it's just me. No problem wearing heavy Audeze cans with a suspension strap for hours.
        Aug 10, 2018
        Erikdayo likes this.
      4. Erikdayo
        Ah. that's another interesting point that could be a factor. The HD800 has basically zero clamp for me. From now on I do plan on sticking with only full suspension along with A-T wing system and ADX5000 style.

        I found the MrSpeakers AFC very very comfortable though not the most enjoyable sound. They are a bit heavier, but I am definitely interested in Audeze and HiFiMAN offerings.
        Aug 10, 2018
      5. westermac
        Now that I have the Elex where I want it I may be letting go of my LCD-2 rev2 pre-fazor. Shoot me a message if you're interested. I like it a good deal better than either the LCD-X or LCD-2 fazor
        Aug 10, 2018
    18. Erikdayo
      Two orchestral Nier albums in September. One for each game. Yes please.
      1. Lyander
        WHAT. HELL YES!
        Jul 25, 2018
        FallingObjects and Erikdayo like this.
      2. Erikdayo
      3. FallingObjects
        Please stop, I can only get so erect
        Jul 25, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
    19. Erikdayo
      13 Assassins was rather enjoyable. Glad I gave it a watch.
      1. DigMe
        I scrolled past it on Netflix the other day. Maybe I’ll check it out.
        Jul 23, 2018
        fraggler and Erikdayo like this.
    20. Erikdayo
      First eye appointment in 3-4 years, and things went better than expected. Very happy about that. Was a bit worried about one of my eyes.
      1. westermac
        It's going on 6 years for me, I'm definitely nervous about what I'll find out. At least my ears still seem to work (or at least my brain is convinced so)
        Jul 21, 2018
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Boston, MA
    Gear List:
    PC > Bose NCH700
    iPhone 11 > Bose NCH700, Apple AirPods Pro


    PC > Bose NCH700
    iPhone 11 > Bose NCH700, Apple AirPods Pro