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Oct 7, 2024 at 4:49 PM
Feb 25, 2017
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Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Philippines, The

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Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer, Male, 31, from Philippines, The

Pyrate Contributor

Revisiting music I've not really listened to in near a decade and getting shocked at all the "new" details is fun. The Pretty Reckless EP. Oct 5, 2024 at 12:54 PM

Lyander was last seen:
Oct 7, 2024 at 4:49 PM
    1. Lyander
      Saw the Senn PC38X was on sale while helping a friend look for a new headset. Pretty savvy price it feels like, based on impressions.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SoupRKnowva
        I currently use my hd800 for gaming, but that makes it a pain to use another mic if I want to play with friends, ive been contemplating getting a headset instead for a while
        Feb 21, 2023
      3. DigMe
        It gets as low as $119 at times (maybe lower, I can’t remember but definitely gets down to 119)
        Feb 21, 2023
        Lyander and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. scblock
        I bought mine for the $139 price last year. I use it daily for work calls off a Fulla E and also use it for gaming plugged into my PS5 controller. I don't typically play games that need hyper localization though.
        Feb 21, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
    2. Lyander
      When you have multiple cats, you start wanting to configure your entire home like an air-cooled PC; dust filters everywhere w/ high airflow.
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      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I always look forward to the shenanigans whenever I get summoned by @YMO
        Feb 17, 2023
      3. Lyander
        Feb 18, 2023
        Jinxy245 and YMO like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        in room and whole house filters, but with 7 pets there’s no hope
        Feb 18, 2023
        Lyander and YMO like this.
    3. Lyander
      Thought leaders are never going to go out of vogue because it will always be easier to have someone dumb down your own thoughts for you.
      1. obsiCO, Syzygy, Cryptowolf and 7 others like this.
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      3. Claritas
        A person will believe anything—no matter how absurd—so long as he thought of it himself. Intelligence seems to make no difference. If anything, it makes this problem worse, because the absurd belief is part of an implicit "system" of absurdities.
        Feb 17, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        I fully admit to being disinterested in taking my brain off Eco mode to really parse the bulk of this thread now, but for the most part I do agree that there is toxicity in being DRIVEN to act generatively as measurable by modern materialistic standards (look at how a lot of middle and eastern Asia is nowadays). That did feel like a bit of a non-sequitur.
        Feb 17, 2023
        Cryptowolf and SoupRKnowva like this.
      5. Lyander
        @Claritas the more one's intelligence is lauded, the more at risk they are of growing arrogant and cocksure. The thing is I'm not entirely on-board with the notion that people actually think of things themselves nowadays; it's more often the case that stimuli may be presented in a way as to lead a person to think that they're drawing upon their own life experiences to distill a Truth, of a fashion.
        Feb 17, 2023
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
    4. Lyander
      Just now found out GearSlutz rebranded into GearSpace. Was very confused for a good few minutes. I get why, but it's just so generic now.
      1. Philimon and SoupRKnowva like this.
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      3. Lyander
        With how often the English language seems to backslide, calling it evolution would have been a far more egregious flouting of propriety than my use of "generic" here.

        Let's not get into how "genetic" confounds things further.
        Feb 16, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I used to visit Gearslutz, but only for the articles.

        No... OK, I used to have deluded dreams of professional gear, flat frequency response, natural uncoloured sound. And stuff.
        Feb 16, 2023
        caute and Lyander like this.
      5. DigMe
        Went from being slutty to being spacey.
        Feb 16, 2023
        Lyander, Claritas and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    5. Lyander
      I am slowly realising that there are some songs that are simply better on speakers vs headphones, even cruddy phone speakers.
      1. Cryptowolf, Cspirou, Jinxy245 and 5 others like this.
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      3. Ksaurav402
        I’m planning to go speaker and IEMs as headphones are neither here nor there for me these days.
        Feb 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Lyander
        I'm getting out a lot more lately but still manage to spend a lot of time at my desk at home, which is where headphones come into play. Cramped neighborhood so speakers are a bother, unfortunately, but someday I'll get that hi-fi set up.
        Feb 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. Jinxy245
        I find Kelly sounds best with the sound off.
        Feb 12, 2023
    6. Lyander
      RIP Panic at the Disco (the guy's still alive, project just dissolved).
      1. SoupRKnowva
        I dont love all of their stuff. mostly just a fever you can't sweat out and death of a bachelor, but this is still a bummer. he's an incredibly talented singer
        Jan 24, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      2. Lyander
        @SoupRKnowva Other than Death of a Bachelor I mostly prefer their first few albums, really don't care much for Viva. That said, IIRC he's just taking time to focus on his new child which makes sense.
        Jan 24, 2023
        Jinxy245 and SoupRKnowva like this.
    7. Lyander
      Welp guess we're getting another dog (temporarily?). Guy and dog squat outside our house, give em food etc sometimes, guy suddenly vanished.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, DigMe and 5 others like this.
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      3. Lyander
        @Thad E Ginathom long story but I just learned some things that would have made that theoretical arrangement very uncomfortable for the guy. Doggo probably staying with us longer term.
        Jan 16, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. DigMe
        Right before he vanished did he throw up a blanket above his head and then it dropped and he was gone? If so I know how that works.
        Jan 16, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Cryptowolf
        That’s good of you to look after the dog
        Jan 16, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    8. Lyander
      I just TODAY found out Deltron 3030 came out with a second album... in 2013. With a Zack de la Rocha featured track. Bruh.
    9. Lyander
      May the incoming year be a tranquil one, or if not so, may it instead be one for growth. Happy new year! Mind the pets and people.
      1. gixxerwimp
        Yeah, none of this "interesting times" bullshit! Peaceful New Year to all :D
        Dec 31, 2022
      2. Claritas
        @Lyander Only in the rarest of men can they are united: "study and ease/ Together mixed" (Pope, "Ode to Solitude").
        Dec 31, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @gixxerwimp Screw interesting, that's what silly hobbies are for!

        @Claritas both is ideal, but given the capacities of most it's as likely as ASR walking back a borked suite of measurements :P
        Jan 1, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    10. Lyander
      Would anyone happen to know what part I can use to swap in for Magni 3+ gain switch? Been acting up for months, now just nonfunctional.
      1. gixxerwimp likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "Maybe cat hair"

        Oh god...
        Dec 30, 2022
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      4. Lyander
        @Thad E Ginathom I was being flippant, hah. I think the spaces inside the switch aren't so large as to be able to accommodate cat fur, but I could well be wrong.
        Dec 30, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Anything can accommodate cat hair.

        Seriously, there is a layer of cat fur that is very very fine.
        Dec 31, 2022
    11. Lyander
      Belated, but now realising after trying to look old banter up that a lot of what vanished in the hack was a volume of fun back and forths.
      1. Jinxy245, joch, Cryptowolf and 3 others like this.
    12. Lyander
      One thing I've noticed: there's no one independent resource for comparing microphone frequency response. I get why, but feels an oversight.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        My brain hurts now. Sorry for the bad sentence structure there. That's what happens to pedants: the next thing they say on the internet goes all wrong!

        I edited, and went for a semicolon.
        Dec 8, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        The semicolon is both overused and underutilised. It's one of my favourite bits of punctuation right next to the interrobang.

        Also, I personally blame this on my inability to parse what I read correctly XD
        Dec 8, 2022
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I tend to parse as I go. As soon as I have enough words that make sense as something silly, I stop to laugh.
        Dec 8, 2022
    13. Lyander
      Apparently a local friend is loaning an EC Studio Jr 300B for a month... dammit I'm gonna need to hear my Senns on that.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Case and 2 others like this.
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      3. joch
        You gotta try it. It'll tell you how good the Senns are more so than how fantastic the SB is. It'll leave you wanting, but also something to benchmark and maybe to strive for. Or not, and still be happy with what you got.
        Dec 5, 2022
        Cspirou likes this.
      4. Cspirou
        Honestly if you have very high expectations, you’re better off trying it. It won’t meet those expectations and you’ll think more positively about your own gear
        Dec 5, 2022
        zottel likes this.
      5. Lyander
        I actually go into most gear demos expecting to be disappointed since I figure that's a far better barometer of my being contented with buying them than elsewise, which likely explains why I try my best to include negatives in every impressions post I make. Seems more sensible as a buyer's guide thing.

        Guess this means I should raise expectations over the next week or two before I get to get ears on it :P
        Dec 5, 2022
        zottel and Cspirou like this.
    14. Lyander
      Plans to reorganise desk thwarted cuz I forgot the Modi 3+ doesn't use USB Type-C. Well I'm dumb.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. Lyander
        Dare you to run one with your main DAC and not feel the need to swap the cable back out @gixxerwimp :P
        Dec 1, 2022
      4. joch
        Garbage in, garbage out :P ...but then, I prefer SPDIF. Most PCs are noisy as heck.
        Dec 1, 2022
        Lyander and gixxerwimp like this.
      5. gixxerwimp
        I don't use USB for audio :P
        Dec 1, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
    15. Lyander
      Never heard of this dude before but an Aussie YouTuber who investigates corrupt govt officials got his house firebombed. Stoic legend.
      1. Lyander
        Nov 26, 2022
      2. Jinxy245
        Damn he pissed someone off, must be on the right track.
        Nov 26, 2022
        penguins and Lyander like this.
      3. Lyander
        @Jinxy245 nah probably just a freak accident of some sort. Those incendiaries falling out of the sky and all that, tis the season.
        Nov 26, 2022
    16. Lyander
      Not sure if the GPU mess last year fried my nerves but ordering a Piety was an... exhilarating experience haha
      1. zottel, gixxerwimp, brencho and 8 others like this.
    17. Lyander
      Got to spend a few hours at a friend's place with em; even out of what most would consider middling gear, the OG Focal Utopia is excellent.
      1. YMO
        In the bedroom?
        Nov 18, 2022
      2. Lyander
        Yup, might have to double check how well it does on the toilet for you though, @YMO :P
        Nov 18, 2022
        Jinxy245, Qildail, zottel and 7 others like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Chest hair inspection before you get the job.
        Nov 18, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
    18. Lyander
      Been a while since the last flood. Fun times. PSA to stock up on insecticide cuz mosquitoes don't mess around
      1. Cryptowolf and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. atomicbob
        Stay safe and vanquish the mosquitoes.
        Oct 29, 2022
        Cryptowolf, Lyander and Jinxy245 like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Monsoon due to arrive. Serious rain over next few days.

        Or a damp squid. Time will tell...

        (OK, yes, I guess it is squib. Habits of a lifetime die hard.)
        Oct 30, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    19. Lyander
      Going down a Ralph Bakshi rabbit hole, hadn't seen anything other than Cool World prior to now. Wizards (1977) is... huh.
      1. Cryptowolf, Sqveak and TazerMonkey like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        @GoodEnoughGear yeah other than the final fight (which had me chuckling) Wizards was a bit meh overall. Still adored the visuals though, I'm a sucker for that sorta aesthetic apparently.
        Oct 22, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Sqveak
        Make sure to include Robert Crumb in your dive.
        Oct 22, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        @Sqveak been a fan of his work going back a few years now, can't remember how exactly I went down that route but I think it was when I realised I knew nothing about western comics (compared to manga etc) and went on a binge there haha.
        Oct 22, 2022
        Sqveak likes this.
    20. Lyander
      Recent storms reminded me my old power bank was dead, got a 60,000mAh behemoth on sale. This could injure someone. Takes forever to top up.
      1. atomicbob, Jinxy245, CEE TEE and 2 others like this.
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      3. Lyander
        No guarantees I'll have toes left after if I do haha
        Oct 1, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Qildail
        Portable battery and portable self-defense device. Pretty good combo for the price.
        Oct 1, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The buzz word is "tactical" I believe.
        Oct 1, 2022
        Lyander and Qildail like this.
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Philippines, The


    A curmudgeon before his time.

    Schiit Modi Multibit 2>Schiit x Nitsch Magni Piety/Magni Unity/Massdrop x Cavalli Tube Hybrid>Sennheiser HD600/Yamaha YH-100(dBel mod);
    FiiO BTR7>Etymōtic ER2XR/Andromeda 2020