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Sep 15, 2024 at 1:12 AM
Apr 1, 2018
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Oct 1, 1989 (Age: 34)
Palms Of The Coasts, FL
Back Office Banker/Supervisor

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Chief Fun Officer, Male, 34, from Palms Of The Coasts, FL

Pyrate Contributor

RIP James Earl Jones Sep 9, 2024 at 2:40 PM

YMO was last seen:
Sep 15, 2024 at 1:12 AM
    1. YMO
      You must be a dork for spending $12k on a Chord DAVE.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. drgumbybrain
        Value it’s so personal.
        May 19, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. DigMe
        I can objectively say you should not spend 12k on a Chord Dave. :P
        May 19, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom, Kunlun and YMO like this.
      4. ufospls2
        Well, I mean, if you pay retail for a DAVE you are a potato. However, yes you are still a dork regardless, but not in a bad way. I *loved* my DAVE whilst I owned it, and if I could still own one I would. Priorities within my set up made me go a different route, but, I still miss the DAVE :)
        May 20, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    2. YMO
      At a local meet with the Dave Ultimate Reference, wish me luck.
    3. YMO
      I'm in Maine and it's 50 degrees. I feel hot, WTF....
      1. hikergrl, atomicbob and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        @YMO work it! (Joke about thinking you're hot).

        @DigMe as a vainglorious bastard who wears coats even in summer.... well okay that's non-equivalent haha
        May 9, 2019
        YMO and DigMe like this.
      4. atomicbob
        I don't put on long pants until the temp drops below -2 deg C. Grill in the winter, even snow, in shorts.
        May 10, 2019
        Syzygy and YMO like this.
      5. YMO
        So many locals are bundled up while I just wear a light jacket with my animu t-shirt. It's high 40s wet and chilly and not cold lol.
        May 10, 2019
    4. YMO
      Vacation tomorrow. Maine keep the weather cool, I'll need it.
      1. hikergrl, Jinxy245, Soups and 2 others like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Enjoy your vacation.
        May 8, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. YMO
        Thanks guys! I know @JoshMorr is in the area. Would be nice to see a friend, we'll see about that....
        May 8, 2019
    5. YMO
      Yasss, most of the Firing Line episodes are on YT!
    6. YMO
      My god Mega SG in the house. Mega Drive > Super Famicom 4 life.
      1. Syzygy, neogeosnk and likearake like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. YMO
        You aren't the only one. I'm Domino on Shmups. I don't post there often.
        Apr 26, 2019
        neogeosnk likes this.
      4. SoupRKnowva
        Super famicon has Chrono Trigger, that’s all it needs to be the best console ever :P
        Apr 26, 2019
        neogeosnk likes this.
      5. YMO
        I don't do RPG I do STG. Super Famicom wasn't the best system for those type of games.
        Apr 26, 2019
    7. YMO
      Some guy (me) is going to be reviewing for crap to get rid of soon. Maybe after my vaca. But honestly I need to get off my butt.
      1. TwoEars
        Sounds like you're a smart guy and you have the source code figured. Are you going to use use that for your own benefit or are you going to contribute to x whatever you deem important?
        Apr 7, 2019
    8. YMO
      Damn it the Switch is too useful.
      1. E_Schaaf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GanGreinke
        If you have Amazon Prime, they are giving a free year of the online subscription service. You just have to sign up for a Twitch Prime account (free with Amazon).
        Apr 2, 2019
      4. GanGreinke
        On top of the online multiplayer stuff, the online subscription gives you access to the NES emulator for free.
        Apr 2, 2019
      5. YMO
        I was too late on the Amazon Prime/Twitch deal. I signed up before seeing the offer. Oh well, it was only $20.
        Apr 2, 2019
    9. YMO
      Getting sad, I might get rid of most of my cans and do more IEMS/DAPs. I blame traveling. Also, it's what's I been doing more lately.
      1. Deep Funk and obsiCO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Luckbad
        I use my Future Sonics MG5HX even more than I use my Sennheiser HD650. If they were slightly more comfortable to have shoved in my ears I'd probably use them all the time.
        Mar 13, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. Luckbad
        To clarify : They're not uncomfortable at all. They are customs so they fit perfectly. I just don't like having any IEM stuck in my ear for more than an hour or so at a time.
        Mar 13, 2019
      5. OJneg
        Looking at the same now that I've moved into a tiny split level
        Mar 13, 2019
    10. YMO
      After selling my Switch last year, I'm getting another one again. Dang it Mario Kart!
      1. Deep Funk and FallingObjects like this.
    11. YMO
      People: Music Quality is Better on Tidal-Qobuz. Music Quality, MQA, Hi-Rez? Me: Which one has Street Fighter II OST to stream?
      1. E_Schaaf
        Selection is a big part of why I use mostly spotify to find music and then bandcamp to purchase what I want hi-res or physical media.
        Mar 2, 2019
        Dr. Higgs, YMO and obsiCO like this.
    12. YMO
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. imackler
        I know it's sacrilege, but I hate a matte screen. Loved my t480s... Except the screen.
        Feb 25, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. dark_energy
        I think matte is great for work/critical things on a laptop in different light conditions.
        Feb 26, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. YMO
        I love Thinkpads due to easy to fix. The x130e is from 2012 and still works fine.
        Feb 26, 2019
        dark_energy likes this.
    13. YMO
      Thank goodness Best Buy accepts returns with a full refund.
      1. zerodeefex
        what did you buy?
        Feb 25, 2019
      2. YMO
        The nVidia Shield. Yeah....I know. Great product just not what I'm expecting.
        Feb 25, 2019
      3. LetMeBeFrank
        What were you expecting that it didn't deliver?
        Feb 25, 2019
    14. YMO
      I Am...the One You Warned Me Of...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        The hint is my current avatar.
        Feb 23, 2019
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        So your oysters are blue?
        Feb 23, 2019
        Jinxy245 and YMO like this.
      4. YMO
        Like the ones on Long Island?
        Feb 24, 2019
        Deep Funk and Case like this.
    15. YMO
      Vacation booked! @JoshMorr I'll be in your backyard in early May, lets get some beers in Old Port.
      1. JoshMorr and JK47 like this.
      2. JoshMorr
        Hell yea, you are coming up just before all the tourists. Good call. Would love to grab a few drinks
        Feb 22, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. YMO
        Yup. I don't want to deal with them, and I don't mind cooler weather. Gotten good deals on a B&B. I'll reach out when it's closer. May 9th-May 14th.
        Feb 22, 2019
    16. YMO
      Everytime I look at pics of LA, I swear it's just Jax but more urban sprawl, strip mall central, and terrible traffic. I'm wrong?
      1. Cspirou
        Not wrong. LA feels a lot like Houston to me. Although urban sprawl isn't as bad here
        Feb 18, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    17. YMO
      Yay, back into Linux. Dual-Boot W10 with MX Linux.
      1. Riotvan and dark_energy like this.
    18. YMO
      Really love the stuff from Surfcables.com. Lightweight, doesn't tangle, good connectors.
      1. TomHP and Merrick like this.
      2. Mithrandir41
        Yep. Good, solid not too expensive stuff
        Feb 17, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      3. TomHP
        Cool, thanks for the tip. Just ordered a balanced IEM cable.
        Feb 17, 2019
    19. YMO
      Found locally upgraded Thinkpad X130e for $120. 500 SSD HD, 8 GB RAM, W10, lappy from 2011 runs nice. Seller gave me a lappy bag.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Indeed. I was quite surprised on what's in it. Also reminds me, I think ATM computer tech has plateau. It wasn't like the 80s/90s.
        Feb 12, 2019
        OldDude04 likes this.
      3. OldDude04
        I agree, you can throw a few upgrades on a older device and still have a very usable machine right now.
        Feb 13, 2019
        LetMeBeFrank and YMO like this.
      4. LetMeBeFrank
        My 2014 Lenovo y70 still runs great with a 500gb SSD and upgrade to 16gb ram. Trying to convince my wife her 2012 Asus needs an SSD, but it still works pretty good stock.
        Feb 13, 2019
        YMO likes this.
    20. YMO
      nVidia Shield looks interesting....even if I have very little need for it. :/ But emulation box that doesn't suck....damn it....
      1. abisai2 likes this.
      2. LetMeBeFrank
        My wife and I cut cable TV about 3 years ago, we only have cable internet. We upgraded to the Shield TV 2 years ago from a Fire TV and the Shield is miles ahead of the Fire TV in every way. Its very easy to "cut the cord" with the Shield. It's overpowered as a streamer and its very good with game streaming or local emulations.
        Feb 11, 2019
        abisai2 and YMO like this.
      3. YMO
        I currently have a PS4 in the living room. It does most of the streaming duties. However, I do find the interface to be "chunky," since well it's a video game console. Sega Saturn emulation is tempting.
        Feb 11, 2019
      4. fraggler
        It has been impeccable as a streamer via apps and from my NAS. I can't wait to try it as a game streamer so I can play emulated 4K Breath of the Wild on my 65"
        Feb 11, 2019
        LetMeBeFrank, SoupRKnowva and YMO like this.
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  • About

    Oct 1, 1989 (Age: 34)
    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    Back Office Banker/Supervisor
    Gear List:
    Headphones: Senn HD600, Senn HD6XX

    IEMs and TWS: NuForce X Drop Move, Drop x JVC HA-FDX1, Drop x JVC HA-FWX1, Sony WF-1000XM3, Moondrop Starfield, Moondrop Kato

    Desk: Mac Mini M1 > AIO Pietus Maximus (Big PeePee) > OG BF2