Apr 15, 2020
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Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
Home Page:
Bay Area, CA
Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor

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MOT: rhythmdevils audio, Male, 40, from Bay Area, CA



    1. rhythmdevils
      Nit picky nomenclature correction for SBAF: "Planar" is not correct abbreviation for "Planar Magnetic". Electrostats are "Planars" too.
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      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Woland: Not A Chance? If so, yes, it is a lost battle already.

        @rhythmdevils: This is a specialist site and we should get specialist stuff right. I don't know anything about Planar-xyz headphones, but that would make it even more important, if I was enquiring, that people get the terminology correct. So I don't think you are nit-picking.
        Sep 19, 2021
        Woland and rhythmdevils like this.
      3. M3NTAL
        talking about dynamic drivers gets rather complicated quickly. The HD800 is a ring radiator and I don't know any other's.
        Sep 19, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        It still functions like an electrodynamic driver though.

        To be more nit picky, orthos and electrodynamics are actually both dynamics. But that doesn’t really matter
        Sep 19, 2021
    2. rhythmdevils
      I don't think any headphone deserves to be more than 1-1.5k$. With few exceptions. (Not Hifiman)
      1. TamHo, Deep Funk, Qildail and 8 others like this.
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      3. Cellist88
        It all started from having to one up Hifiman and the he1000 at 3k....we are betterer so $$$$$
        Sep 16, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        What you can get for 10 to 50 Dollars/Euros in performance is enough to make you think "wait what, what do I really get for the money?" After years of this hobby, first get your music collection in order. Then chase the audio-gear.
        Sep 17, 2021
      5. aamefford
        I think with no exceptions, but I’ve headed back down from the summit, and will make a further downhill run toward solid midfi very soon.
        Sep 17, 2021
    3. rhythmdevils
      1. Thad E Ginathom and loadexfa like this.
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      3. loadexfa
        Haha, built in audiophile amp, I'm sure it's totally better than a regular amp.
        Sep 15, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. spwath
        I forgot about that, that was a few years ago. Built in amp. Haven't heard anything about it since it came out, so I guess probably not great
        Sep 15, 2021
      5. Cellist88
        Sep 15, 2021
    4. rhythmdevils
      I’ve got better news than Apple. SBAF is getting a Yggdrasil LIM loaner courtesy of @schiit it’s heading my way soon. :)
      1. Joshvar, obsiCO, jexby and 17 others like this.
      2. Cellist88
        Now the real question is....how long is the loaner list going to be? Lol
        Sep 14, 2021
    5. rhythmdevils
      I got some interesting news from Audeze that makes me think all their drivers may be consistent now.
      1. Jinxy245 and dubharmonic like this.
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      3. Riotvan
        Will this also reduce the unit to unit variance?
        Sep 10, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        I have no idea I just thought I’d pass it along. :-/
        Sep 10, 2021
        Riotvan likes this.
      5. Riotvan
        No worries better reliability is still a good thing!
        Sep 10, 2021
    6. rhythmdevils
      @schiit how about a Sys Maximus with balanced in/out, both passive and buffer mode, stepped attenuation and remote?
      1. nishan99, AdvanTech, m17xr2b and 7 others like this.
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      3. rlow
        Freya S has a 1X nexus mode. Is this not equivalent to a buffer stage? The idea Jason was throwing out is a mini Freya S in the first thread I linked.
        Sep 8, 2021
        edd and Merrick like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I don't know :-? I was just told to get the Freya+ for the buffer mode rather than the Freya S.
        Sep 8, 2021
      5. AdvanTech
        Nexus is different from a JFET buffer, yes.
        Sep 8, 2021
        sphinxvc likes this.
    7. rhythmdevils
      I’ve been searching for more instrumental metal and my Tidal library is now full of mathy instrumental prog rock that all sounds the same.
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      2. rhythmdevils
        I was the same way before music streaming to be honest. I’ve always been a whore.
        Sep 6, 2021
        Erroneous and shambles like this.
      3. yotacowboy
        there can only be so much "dun dun, dundundundundun, dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun... dun, dun SCROOOOONCH, dun dun dun" in 17/8 time signatures. "nah man, you count it like 2 5/8s, a 2/4 and a 3/8!" srsly, tho, check out polyphia. edit: start with The Most Hated.
        Sep 6, 2021
      4. Kolozub
        Spawn of possesion (*_*) chdžyeaaaaaah
        Sep 6, 2021
    8. rhythmdevils
      I never thought I would say this but I’ve become a resolution whore.
      1. Azimuth and gurubhai like this.
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      3. Cellist88
        Hd800, hd8xx time
        Sep 3, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. nishan99
        That was obvious from your obsession with orthos :D .
        Sep 3, 2021
      5. Azimuth
        An MJ1 has this affect on people.
        Sep 4, 2021
    9. rhythmdevils
      Is the FDX-01 more resolving than the CA og Solaris? I have Lokius eq super powers now for those upper mids…
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      2. rhythmdevils
        I haven’t heard the Vega but the Dorado was awful so I can only imagine…. I think a future ortho iem will do it. The Solaris sounds really good in most ways in the meantime.
        Sep 2, 2021
      3. Merrick
        I’ll admit, I enjoy the bass cannon approach of the Vega but ultimately it’s all slam and not much texture and that’s so disappointing for a bass heavy IEM.
        Sep 2, 2021
        Tchoupitoulas, YMO and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. Friday
        How about the sony ex-1000, if you can find one? Seems like it has better bass resolution than FDX1 at least
        Sep 2, 2021
    10. Craylock
      I have the Quad Era 1. Use thicker pads for a bit of bass. The build is 10/10. Metal and leather. Sound is soft, and some will find it boring. Tended to use them in between 800S and LCD 2 prefazors, RS1i and others while out walking befor LCD MX4 arrived. Waiting for balanced cables now
      1. nishan99 likes this.
    11. rhythmdevils
      Anyone heard these Quad planar magnetic headphones? Cool to see a company with potentially more R&D funds and experience make an ortho.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. srkram
        I've seen some really glowing reviews of the ERA-1s, even comparing them to likes of the LCD-4. I own a pair, and I don't think they're worthy of such high praise at all.
        Sep 12, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. srkram
        Frequently response has the typical planar missing mids,and they're pretty dark sounding. Correcting the frequency response with EQ helps a little, but their technical performance isn't very good, and they have a metalic boxiness which you can't get rid of.
        Sep 12, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. srkram
        I also find the construction to be quite poor - they use a lot of metal, but it looks cheap and low quality.
        Sep 12, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    12. rhythmdevils
      Please check out the new Gear Loaner Request Thread and post ideas for loaners. (I don't know everything out there)
      1. Jinxy245, Tchoupitoulas and YMO like this.
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      3. rhythmdevils
        Can be amps, DAC's, headphones, iems, anything. I'll reach out to anyone. :)
        Aug 26, 2021
      4. YMO
        Can I request you to come to my house on a loaner?
        Aug 26, 2021
      5. rhythmdevils
    13. rhythmdevils
      “ Audeze has been working on new driver technology… and expect to see some dramatic new drivers this year across the product line-up.”
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        @Vtory I bought two LCD-X’s so don’t feel too bad :)
        Aug 23, 2021
      3. dubharmonic
        Hopefully they keep at least one high Z model in the lineup.
        Aug 23, 2021
      4. Vtory
        One thing interesting I heard was they allowed employees to play with new ideas (in parallel to regular products). And some of such idea productized as 'limited edition'. LCD42 a while ago. Now LCDR. (I missed R while I was busy heck.. and sold out very quickly...)
        Aug 23, 2021
        EagleWings likes this.
    14. rhythmdevils
      The acoustics of earpads is such a mystery. There are a few basic things that are predictable, but the rest is absolutey bonkers.
      1. Jinxy245, ChaChaRealSmooth and Vtory like this.
      2. rhythmdevils
        Any good sounding headphone has been tried with as many earpads as possible. It’s a guess and check game at best. I’ve got two orthos here with two different earpads that each have the same affect on they’re respective headphone. If I swap them out, they both have the opposite affect. And they are very similar earpad designs. The God’s even scratch their heads when it comes to earpad acoustics.
        Aug 22, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        There are only a few things that are constant and repeatable. The density of the foam used, perforation of the entire earpad (just the inside isn’t predictable), and the size of the cavity. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head and even then there are exceptions.
        Aug 22, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    15. rhythmdevils
      1. Azimuth, Vtory and archer88 like this.
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      3. Claritas
        @rhythmdevils That's hilarious! Because I almost forgot to remove the electrical tape *I* had put on it before boxing it up.
        Aug 15, 2021
        Cryptowolf and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I was just thinking I better remove it even though the next person will probably appreciate it.
        Aug 16, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Claritas like this.
      5. Azimuth
        Someone does not like bright LED's.
        Aug 16, 2021
    16. rhythmdevils
      The og Solaris actually scales really well with better upstream gear. They pick up the improvement from Gungnir A1 to Yggdrasil A2.
      1. yotacowboy, Cryptowolf, Gazny and 2 others like this.
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      3. yotacowboy
        while i had THX789 i tried Yggdrasil A2 -> 789 -> OG Andro and i was LOL-ing at how much those little IEMs still had in them. Still on the fence about picking up as uni-tasking THX amp cause with any other headphone they sound like watching an unplugged refrigerator.
        Aug 13, 2021
        YMO and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. YMO
        That THX One can do the trick but $200 just for BAs? Dunno.....
        Aug 13, 2021
      5. rhythmdevils
        Yeah I really didn’t think BA drivers would pick up any difference between Yggdrasil and Gungnir. Impressive. I love your description of the 789. Definitely only buy a 789 for iems. I keep my iems plugged into it all the time and have only listened to it with full sized headphones for like a minute in the year I’ve owned it. Bad
        Aug 13, 2021
        YMO likes this.
    17. rhythmdevils
      I feel like there’s a hole in Shiit’s headphone amp lineup for a better headphone amp than the J2.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and Inoculator like this.
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      3. Claritas
        It's always schiit with you people: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-yZHveWFvqM Half-joking aside, enough already with the balanced, the multi-purpose, and the tiny tubes! A 6SN7-driven OTL *exclusively* for high-Z dynamics at $900–1,100.
        Aug 9, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        I’d prefer a good ortho amp but yes I see your point @Claritas It’s a bit strange how far behind Shiit’s amps seem compared to their DACs.
        Aug 9, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Claritas like this.
      5. Claritas
        Jason's amazing guy. If this is how good he is now, imagine how great he's going to be in 20 years. He should live and be well.
        Aug 9, 2021
        Cryptowolf, PTS and rhythmdevils like this.
    18. rhythmdevils
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        true @Ti_Leo I have a hard time trusting anything using the word "technology" to describe something they are doing. Even toothpaste talks about their" advanced foaming technology".
        Aug 8, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and Ti_Leo like this.
      3. Riotvan
        I can't unread the name as "Gets you fucked up"
        Aug 8, 2021
      4. Pancakes
        I don't understand the use of multiple drivers in a can. It's #1 utterly unnecessary and #2 kills one of the advantages of cans over speakers.
        Aug 8, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    19. rhythmdevils
      Does anyone have any gear loaner requests? I'm looking to find us more gear to listen to and happy to reach out to anyone.
      1. Claritas, Tchoupitoulas, Case and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Claritas
        Will do. Thanks!
        Aug 7, 2021
      4. archer88
        Have there been any loaners from ampsandsound? EC and DNA amps are quite popular with veteran members here. Would be nice to get their impressions on ampsandsound esp since its relatively easier to procure.
        Aug 7, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        Aug 7, 2021
        archer88 likes this.
    20. rhythmdevils
      Gungnir A1 or Bifrost 2 for speakers?
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      2. JayC
        this is also the same question I've been dealing with. In the end my choice went towards Soekris 2541 vs Gungnir MB and I'm still looking around in the EU
        Aug 5, 2021
      3. Azimuth
        I like Gungnir A1 if you did not need unbalanced out. I think the DAC chip upgrade is worth it.
        Aug 5, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I just got a Yggdrasil for my headphone rig so can choose between my Bifrost 2 and Gungnir A1 for my speakers. I unfortunately don’t have a great way to A/B them
        Aug 5, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
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  • About

    Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Home Page:
    Bay Area, CA
    Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor
    Gear List:
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson



    Pi2AES with Sigma11 LPS -> Yggdrasil A2/og ->

    —iem rig—

    Yggdrasil -> EC Studio B -> RD-S12 (modded Shouer S12 ortho iem's)

    —ORTHO RIG #1--

    Minimax tube preamp -> First Watt F4 -> RD-4 (modified LCD-4)

    --ORTHO RIG #2--

    Jottenheim A -> RD-R (modded LCD-R)

    --ORTHO RIG #3--

    Liquid Gold X -> Various modded Audeze's below

    ----ORTHO RIG #4--

    Cavalli SOHA1 maxed out by @fallenangel -> modded Hifiman HE6SEv1


    EC Studio B
    Cavalli Liquid Glass
    Cavalli Liquid Gold X
    og Cavalli Liquid Gold
    Jottenheim A
    @fallenangel Cavalli SOHA1
    Vali 2+
    Schiit Magni 3+
    Nitsch Piety


    All orthos are modded or in the queue to be modded...

    Audeze LCD-5
    Audeze LCD-4
    Audeze LCD-R
    Audeze LCD-MX4
    Audeze LCD- 4z
    Audeze LCD-3
    Audeze LCD-X
    Audeze LCD-2F
    Audeze LCD-2 Classic
    Hifiman HE6se V1 and V2
    Hifiman HE560 V4
    Fostex T50rp (very involved mod, one of my best orthos)

    --Vintage Orthos--

    Aiwa HP-500
    2 NAD RP-18 Kapton
    3 TDS-15
    Fostex T20v2
    Fostex T20v1
    3 Yamaha HP-1 Anistropic
    4 Yamaha YH-3
    Yamaha YHD-1


    Pi2AES -> Gungnir A1 -> Khozmo Passive Preamp -> Mackie HR624 mk1 active reference monitors (not the 824 or MK2 version)
    When I'm not listening to music I'm a Photographer & Filmmaker