Apr 15, 2020
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Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
Home Page:
Bay Area, CA
Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor

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MOT: rhythmdevils audio, Male, 40, from Bay Area, CA



    1. rhythmdevils
      How am I supposed to get any sleep when my headphones sound this good?
      1. sheldaze, Lyander, Cryptowolf and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. YMO
        Just invite me over
        Nov 5, 2021
        nishan99 and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. murphythecat
        weed men!
        Nov 5, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. yotacowboy
        Who are these "weed men" of which you speak? Does this have something to do with Dune? I never read those books.
        Nov 5, 2021
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
    2. rhythmdevils
      How do you run balanced and SE amps from a DAC with gimped SE outputs?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Armaegis
        (cont) then you can connect anything to anything and it will be fine; it will remain "balanced" (but not shielded), and whenever your switch points to an amp with SE only it will automatically ground itself
        Nov 3, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. Merrick
        This is definitely something that active preamps are useful for.
        Nov 3, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        The switcher with a built in transformer is an awesome idea, and likely the most transparent option I imagine. Now I just need to find someone in the US who wants to wire one together. :)
        Nov 3, 2021
    3. rhythmdevils
      Damn, people are willing to pay so much for used MacBooks. Like 100-200$ less than retail. Ridiculous.
      1. señorhifi and dematted like this.
      2. Bill-P
        Yeah, these things hold value like crazy.
        Nov 1, 2021
      3. Vtory
        Sometimes sniper bid at ebay works. Particularly models nobody cares.
        Nov 1, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. señorhifi
        Heard a guy once say, MACs are like digital gold: easy sell, easy money.
        Nov 1, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    4. rhythmdevils
      The awesomeness of Big Red Machine's new album and Matt Berninger's solo album combined with the break being taken by The National worries..
      1. Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhythmdevils
        Yes, I definitely agree I would rather them stop now than fade into shiftiness like so many bands who keep going (Phish *cough*). But they seem like they have a lot of creative energy left.

        The last Big Red Machine album reminds me of The National's sound a lot, but just missing other elements that add complexity to the sound.
        Oct 24, 2021
        philipmorgan likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I assume if they did make another album it wouldn't' be for a while since the individual members have to tour their solo projects. Sad for music lovers but a reality.

        I feel like they were still expanding their sound though. Room for more creative growth.
        Oct 24, 2021
        philipmorgan likes this.
      5. jaker782
        TN are probably my favorite current band as well... in fact it isn't even close for me. Discovered them after they released Boxer when they opened for REM.

        I thoroughly enjoyed BRM and Berninger's solo record. They are not done yet! The Dessner bros are killing it with their creativity and as long as Matt and his wife don't run dry with those signature lyrics, the quality will still be there for the next record.
        Oct 24, 2021
        philipmorgan likes this.
    5. rhythmdevils
      Firefighters across California are praising the Gods right now for the rain. So grateful for their tireless thankless work.
      1. Qildail, Cryptowolf, Jinxy245 and 6 others like this.
      2. nishan99
        Thank god.
        Oct 22, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. Merrick
        CA prisoners too
        Oct 22, 2021
    6. rhythmdevils
      I just accidentally signed up for a family subscription for Microsoft 365 which gives me 5 accounts for100$/yr. Anyone want to go in on it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        I'm on the same plan and use two of the accounts for cloud storage because the rest of my family couldn't be arsed to make MS accounts. GLWS haha.
        Oct 20, 2021
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Devil's semen...
        Oct 20, 2021
      4. rott
        Quite generous of you. I'd bite if not for already being enrolled via employer discount, and only thing I dislike is the upload speed to OneDrive for multi-GB directories with hundreds of large files.
        Oct 20, 2021
    7. rhythmdevils
      I’m starting to prefer good recordings. Time to sell all my gear.
      1. Qildail, Cryptowolf, nishan99 and 4 others like this.
    8. rhythmdevils
    9. rhythmdevils
      I’d like to ask that you all sign up for loaner tours when they’re offered even if you don’t know the gear. Take a chance.
      1. Jinxy245, obsiCO, nishan99 and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azimuth
        I think I am on 5 currently. Not counting personal loaners.
        Oct 13, 2021
        CEE TEE and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. Armaegis
        I've mentioned this before: there's a few of us in Winnipeg who would like to participate, but the customs office here is brutal and will slap too many fees on import. If someone else can get it into Canada, we'd ideally be last on the Canadian tour and we can ship back to the US or overseas when we're finished.
        Oct 13, 2021
        CEE TEE and rhythmdevils like this.
      5. lagadu
        EU tours are so rare :(
        Oct 14, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    10. SoupRKnowva
      If you've got one, I think a multimeter and some continuity testing could solve this LCD-R cable weirdness mystery
      1. Cryptowolf, Riotvan and rhythmdevils like this.
      2. rhythmdevils
        Thanks! I don’t unfortunately and don’t have the knowledge to figure it out. I’m thinking of maybe sending the stoco cable in to Matt at Forza Audioworks and having him figure out what is going on and copy it. It’s a long way to ship the cable (Poland) but I’m not sure what else to do. Then he could write down how to wire a replacement LCD-R cable and everyone would benefit.
        Oct 9, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        @rhythmdevils - do you have a DMM? if so I could talk you through diagnostics with a zoom session. Alternatively you could send the cable to me (Seattle area) for diagnostics. Would save the cost of shipping to Poland and I would be happy to repay Matt's kindness in my cable situation.
        Oct 9, 2021
      4. SoupRKnowva
        My guess is one channel is out of phase or maybe even that the phases are mixed up between the channels. This could happen if there was no inquiry if the pinout of the connector on the amp end. I assume you had forza use the same pinout as standard for xlr4, but they probably changed it
        Oct 9, 2021
        atomicbob likes this.
    11. rhythmdevils
      Anyone else notice that a couple Jason Isbell albums have disappeared from Tidal?
      1. rhythmdevils
        The Nashville Sound and Reunions two good fuckin albums
        Oct 7, 2021
      2. zonto
        I see them on Tidal under Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit. Qobuz has the high-res PCM version of both as well, but not regular CD version it looks like.
        Oct 7, 2021
        Azimuth likes this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        Annoying. They used to all be under Jason Isbell. Separating the albums like that is pointless. Tidal can suck it. At least I can still listen to them though thank you!
        Oct 7, 2021
        zonto likes this.
    12. rhythmdevils
      Thinking about a diaphragm vibrating right next to my ears creating sound pressure waves that my brain interprets as music turns me on
      1. zonto
        Contraceptives or headphones? :S
        Oct 4, 2021
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The contraceptive ones vibrate these days? Wow...
        Oct 4, 2021
    13. crenca
      Seriously @rhythmdevils might be an total idgit when it comes to, I don't know, HP's, amps, politics, dacs, women, medicine, and life in general, but that does not mean we should be talking behind his back...
      1. Jinxy245, Lyander, WoodyLuvr and 5 others like this.
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Nah, I just tell it to him straight to his face
        Sep 27, 2021
        Lyander, WoodyLuvr, YMO and 1 other person like this.
    14. rhythmdevils
      If anyone feels insulted or bothered by me could you please send me a pm instead of complaining to Marv so we can work it out. Thank you
      1. View previous comments...
      2. M3NTAL
        I have to be careful too - I am super passionate and also probably seem like an A*hole, but I wear 'Mental' with pride LOL. Wear your devil :D
        Sep 27, 2021
      3. crenca
        I am such a sensitive bastard at first I always think ya'll are talking about me, then I after I read what you said again I realize ya'll are usually talking about HP's and what not...'sensitive bastard' should probably be my nickname.
        Sep 27, 2021
      4. Claritas
        I've made that a standing offer, and almost every conversation has been a success story. Good on you RD!
        Sep 28, 2021
    15. rhythmdevils
      Does anyone have a copper balanced HD800 cable they could loan out with the HD8XX loaner? We would all be grateful. :)
      1. loadexfa
        Yeah, I have a copper Periapt cable that you can use. I can live with SE for my 800 for the duration of the loaner.
        Sep 27, 2021
    16. rhythmdevils
      This forum is so dead on the weekends. Do you guys have lives outside of headphones or something? Not cool. Get back to the basement.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        Sep 26, 2021
      3. purr1n
        I'm taking a needed break. Will cede the two "reviews" per day to ASR.
        Sep 26, 2021
      4. Cryptowolf
        I spent the last three days competing and training in dog sports. i’m ready for a Sunday night of cocktails and music.
        Sep 26, 2021
    17. rhythmdevils
      A lot of loaners coming up. Get your ears ready!
      1. Cryptowolf, Ksorota, Azimuth and 13 others like this.
    18. rhythmdevils
      Is the Jottenheim R the same thing as the Jottenheim A? And do either one sound like the regular Jottenheim?
      1. Azimuth
        No, the Jot R was amped up version for the SR1a. Same voicing as normal Jot, just moar power I believe.
        Sep 21, 2021
    19. rhythmdevils
      I plugged an HD800 SDR into an iPod touch during a little meet up with another SBAFer. What do you have to say about it? huh?
      1. Qildail and Lyander like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Gazny
        That is good sound
        Sep 19, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        I thought maybe some SBAF spirits would come kill me instantly or something. but I guess not
        Sep 19, 2021
      5. Gazny
        If the treble doesn't kill you first sure. Personally i I think its a great headphone, it just needs to pass a huge check list first. Also I love the ipod I think it is a fun source brings me back to a simpler time.
        Sep 20, 2021
    20. rhythmdevils
      I’ve watched two videos by Abyss and they both made me less interested in ever owning an Abyss headphone.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        The power cable thing has me worried about all my JPS cables. But the tiny wrinkles in the diaphragm may not even be a problem. In working on modding LCD headphones I have accidentally dented the diaphragm because the magnets are so far apart, leaving the diaphragm very exposed. Even a huge dent in the diaphragm (between magnets) didn't change the sound at all.
        Sep 19, 2021
      3. rhythmdevils
        Sep 19, 2021
      4. Pancakes
        I had the same experience with an HE400i. Although I dented on purpose specifically to see what would happen.
        Sep 19, 2021
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  • About

    Oct 3, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Home Page:
    Bay Area, CA
    Photographer and Headphone Sound Sculptor
    Gear List:
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson



    Pi2AES with Sigma11 LPS -> Yggdrasil A2/og ->

    —iem rig—

    Yggdrasil -> EC Studio B -> RD-S12 (modded Shouer S12 ortho iem's)

    —ORTHO RIG #1--

    Minimax tube preamp -> First Watt F4 -> RD-4 (modified LCD-4)

    --ORTHO RIG #2--

    Jottenheim A -> RD-R (modded LCD-R)

    --ORTHO RIG #3--

    Liquid Gold X -> Various modded Audeze's below

    ----ORTHO RIG #4--

    Cavalli SOHA1 maxed out by @fallenangel -> modded Hifiman HE6SEv1


    EC Studio B
    Cavalli Liquid Glass
    Cavalli Liquid Gold X
    og Cavalli Liquid Gold
    Jottenheim A
    @fallenangel Cavalli SOHA1
    Vali 2+
    Schiit Magni 3+
    Nitsch Piety


    All orthos are modded or in the queue to be modded...

    Audeze LCD-5
    Audeze LCD-4
    Audeze LCD-R
    Audeze LCD-MX4
    Audeze LCD- 4z
    Audeze LCD-3
    Audeze LCD-X
    Audeze LCD-2F
    Audeze LCD-2 Classic
    Hifiman HE6se V1 and V2
    Hifiman HE560 V4
    Fostex T50rp (very involved mod, one of my best orthos)

    --Vintage Orthos--

    Aiwa HP-500
    2 NAD RP-18 Kapton
    3 TDS-15
    Fostex T20v2
    Fostex T20v1
    3 Yamaha HP-1 Anistropic
    4 Yamaha YH-3
    Yamaha YHD-1


    Pi2AES -> Gungnir A1 -> Khozmo Passive Preamp -> Mackie HR624 mk1 active reference monitors (not the 824 or MK2 version)
    When I'm not listening to music I'm a Photographer & Filmmaker